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The Jamun fruit has been cultivated in the Indo Malaysian region for a very long time.

It is considered to be native of India but is now found in all tropical regions. It grows abundantly during the rainy season.

Natural benefits and curative properties

Diabetes The Jamun fruit is regarded in traditional medicine, as a specific remedy against diabetes, because of its effect on the pancreas.
The seeds contain a glucose called Jamboline, which is believed to have the power to check the pathological conversion of starch into sugar in cases of increased production of glucose.

The seeds are dried & powdered. When consumed, they reduce the quantity of sugar in urine & also reduce the unquenchable thirst.

In Ayurveda, the inner bark of the jamun tree is also used for the treatment of diabetes.


The Powder of the Jamun seed is valuable in polyurea.

Diarrhea & dysentery

An infusion of the tender leaves of the jamun tree, which contain a high concentration of gallic and tannic acid is also given as a medicine in diarrhea and dysentery.


The Jamun fruit is an effective food remedy for bleeding piles. It is been found that, when in season, the fruit consumed with a bit of salt every morning, cures the user from bleeding piles.

Fresh Jamun fruit taken with honey is also an effective remedy for bleeding piles.

Liver disorders

The natural acids found in the Jamun fruit play an important role in the secretion of digestive enzymes and stimulate the liver functions.
Charak, the well-known physician of ancient India, used this fruit in treatment for enlargement of the liver.

Female sterility

The leaves of Jamun tree are said to stimulate the secretion of progesterone hormone and helps in the absorption of Vitamin E.

It is therefore, considered as an effective remedy for sterility and miscarriage due to ovarian or endometrium functional disorder.